The Best of Aquarium Moss for Your Use


Most species of mosses, in principle, do not know how to grow for anything. Therefore, it is recommended to place the mosses on the decorations in a thin layer, if possible excluding the imposition of branches on each other, and firmly tie them with a nylon fishing line. This is the most reliable way.

The recommended diameter of the line is 0.1-0.16 mm. This line is almost not visible in the aquarium. As the moss develops, it will close with newly grown branches and will not be seen at all. To bind the moss, you can also use a cotton thread (if it is known in advance that the moss grows), which after some time will simply rot in the aquarium. However, there are cases when catfish tangled cotton threads faster than moss had time to grow.

The main parameters of water

There are most species of aquatic moss that are “plastic” plants. They are fairly easy to adapt to new water parameters and conditions of detention. At the same time, often a change in habitus (appearance) occurs. The Aquarium Mini pellia moss, depending on the conditions of detention, can change simply beyond recognition. It is noticed that most mosses prefer soft water. Most likely, this is due to the growth conditions of the species, in natural habitats.

  • A prerequisite for the growth of moss, is the absolute purity of the water in the aquarium. Water should not contain suspended matter, which can settle on mosses, and thus hinder their development. Therefore, it is not recommended to keep in the moss aquarium too active inhabitants, herbivores, large and digging ground fish.
  • A good system of mechanical filtration of water will also be useful. This is a gentle current and bright light, also have a beneficial effect on the growth of mosses. It is desirable that the water temperature does not rise above 24C. Water should be slightly acidic. The level of PH = 6.3-6.7 Daily fluctuations should not exceed 0.4. Recommended water hardness parameters are KN = 1-4, GH = 5-10. Weekly water changes for fresh are necessary. The use of mini pellia happens to be essential here.

A little dwell on other aspects related to the nutrition of our charges. There is a mistaken opinion that the growth of most species of mosses does not require a bright illumination of the aquarium. This is true only in part, and only for some species of mosses. If you want to see beautiful and healthy plants in your aquarium, it is advisable to use a directional light of at least 0.5W / l power. or higher. The light should pierce the water column well to the full depth. Not be superfluous and the supply of carbon dioxide for the intensive growing season of your plants.

The fight against algae

It often happens that in the aquarium suddenly, algae appear. No one is insured against their appearance. Both beginners and professionals face them. An aquarium is a living organism, and various physical and chemical processes take place there continuously. Displacement of the balance in one direction or another may trigger an algae outbreak. Algae, not only spoil the appearance of the aquarium, but also pose a real threat to your moss garden. And you need to fight them.

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