Asbestos is a dangerous material that has been acknowledged by several medical professionals to cause lung diseases, of which the most devastating is often lung cancer. The material was used for hundreds of years as an insulation material. In Fact, it is so effective at insulating that Roman patricians would use it to create fireproof gloves. In the 20th century, it was one of the most popular insulation materials. It was used in the paint, ceiling, and even in the insulation within the walls. Since the 1980s, asbestos levels have been under consideration in both new and old homes. Asbestos was not completely illegal to use in building materials until the 1990s. That means that even fairly newer homes are going to be at risk of asbestos. If you have a home or office that was built before the 2000s, you could be at risk from asbestos in your home.
What Makes It Dangerous?
Asbestos is dangerous, but only when inhaled. Asbestos can create pulmonary disease, so it has to be friable. A friable material is one that can be separated into fibres. Therefore, you have to consider whether you have asbestos, as well as whether that asbestos is friable. PROAS Asbestos Removals is an example of a company that can help you determine your threat level. Asbestos has to be in fibrous form to be dangerous, so a removal company will look for asbestos and also examine whether it’s friable.
Is It Friable?
Friable asbestos is the asbestos typically found in walls or on the ceiling. For Example, popcorn ceilings are great for insulation, but they could also contain asbestos. Since they are exposed to the inside of your home, the asbestos could be disrupted and turned into fibres. Some wall panels in the past were made with asbestos. Any type of damage to your walls could create a problem for you, if the wall is damaged, the very small fibres could be released into the air. Furthermore, if you decide to do any renovations to your home, you could disturb all of the asbestos that has remained dormant until that point in time. You need to call a team of professionals to assess your risks, and if you do have asbestos, they’ll remove it.
The Removal Process
The removal process differs depending on the location and amount of the asbestos. There are even, in some very rare cases, situations in which they will eliminate the risk of the asbestos being disturbed without fully removing the asbestos. If it cannot be protected then it must be removed. A HEPA vacuum can safely vacuum up even the smallest asbestos fibres. They will also use fans, vacuums, plastic sheeting, and several other advanced processes to keep the asbestos from being disturbed. The asbestos has to be removed without disturbing it and, furthermore, it needs to be disposed of properly. The disposal of the asbestos has to be very careful as well, as it can’t just go to a landfill. You need professionals who know how to detect, remove, and dispose of asbestos.